Sunday, July 11, 2010


What a crazy past month. I don't know where to begin the update on my life...things are crazy and amazing. Guess I will just try and do my best here, its been awhile again, I barely have time to sleep these days let alone get online for any length of time...
So, Last I wrote I was interviewing for an assistant store manager position at my store...The interview went wonderfully and the hurry up and wait was the worst part. I recieved a call 4 days after the interview that the promotion is MINE! What an exciting way to come back to work-with the motivation and challenge of a new position and more responsibilities. It is more hours and more work, but also a good bit more income too...I really couldn't be happier. So work is great, no complaints just excited to learn and grow.
The social life is goin well...I am dating a wonderful man who treats me so well. I am loving getting to know him and the time we spend together. Our latest mission is to start getting healthy together, eat better and work out which I am excited about. With Doug has come a fun new group of friends, so we are enjoying the summertime with good people. Goin out on the lake, get togethers at my house, his house, friends houses...too fun! We have a 7wk old dwarf bunny named Shelley that we keep at his house most of the time and I swear she is a dog at heart. She responds to her name and loves to snuggle and give kisses, as well as run laps around the room and socialize with anybody and $6 I've ever spent! (yep, six bucks...swapmeet bunny! oh the things people sell in the south....teehee)
I owe all my California peeps an apology for being such a bad friend lately.. (I tagged you on facebook in this for a reason!, thinkin about you!) Life has been insane like I said and I wish I had time to sit and chat with y'all for an hour each, or better yet come visit me and let me show you a great time out here! I hope you know you are always welcome to visit and I promise to make it a great time for ya! :)
Lets see what else is new with tattoo on my foot, check out facebook for a picture of that. Its an ambigram...a word that reads "faith" one way and "trust" the other. I love it! Also doing another portfolio photoshoot for my makeup art on the 26th of this month...going to be a ton of fun! Doing makeup and hair, Jo Ellen is taking pictures and I'm going to have my designer purse lady over to sell her purses and jewelry and clothes and stuff...yay! As well as wine and cheese and other tasty treats, come on over ladies!!
The ankle is healing nicely, had a setback for a little bit and the doctor thought it wasn't healing right and that more surgery was a possibility, but swelling has gone down significantly as i get back in the routine of things which is a huuge blessing. God is so good, I love my life!

OH I am still selling AVON so check out the site if you want! Again you can place orders thru me or on my website.

Hope all of you are doing well, love you all!

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